Meet the Team

Meet our dedicated and skilled team of speech, language, and communication therapists, supported by our business manager and our therapy dog! To learn more about our roles and specialisms, please reach out via our contact form.

Amica Davies


Specialist Speech, Language, and Communication Therapist

Ami Davies Speech and Language Therapist and Founder

Jade Wright

Specialist Speech, Language, and Communication Therapist

Jade Wright Speech and Language Therapist

Katie Howells

Specialist Speech, Language, and Communication Therapist

Katie Howells Speech and Language Therapist

Laura Conway

Specialist Speech, Language, and Communication Therapist

Laura Conway Speech and Language Therapist

Nikki Stinton

Specialist Speech, Language, and Communication Therapist

Nikki Stinton Speech and Language Therapist

Hannah Tichopad

Business Manager

Hannah Tichopad Business Manager

Bobbi Davies

Speech and Language Therapy Dog

Bobbi Davies the super therapy dog